Pholas cuneiformis Say, 1822, [Basis of the current name] Range: 35°N to 24°S; 91°W to 39.5°W Depth: 7 to 9 m (live 7 to 0.3 m) Maximum Reported Size: 20 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Florida Keys References: Perry & Schwengel (1955) M; Sykes & Hall (1970) dLl
Pholas caribaead'Orbigny, 1847b, p. 216, pl. 25, figs. 20-22 [Synonym] Attributed to: d'Orbigny (1842) Type Locality: Cuba; Mexico Maximum Reported Size: 17 mm Distribution: Mexico, Cuba References: Turner (1954) s
Pholas falcata Sowerby II, 1872, [Synonym] Attributed to: Gray MS References: Turner (1954) s Comments: Non Wood, 1815.
Pholas krebsiiKrebs, 1864, p. 113, not figured [Not available] Attributed to: C. B. Adams Type Locality: St. Thomas Distribution: Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: Turner (1954) s Comments: Nude name.
Partial List of References
d'Orbigny, A. 1847. Mollusques Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2 129-224, pls. 22-25?. [Stated date: -- --- 1853; true date: pre May?] Krebs, H. J. 1864. The West Indian Marine Shells vi + 137 pp. W. Laubs widoww & Chr. Jo/rgensen: Nykjo/bing, Falster.