Range: 35°N to 32.92°S; 90.5°W to 40.48°W Depth: 76 to 510 m (live 99 to 99 m) Maximum Reported Size: 9 mm
Verticordia fischeriana Dall, 1881, [Basis of the current name] Range: 35°N to 32.92°S; 90.5°W to 40.48°W Depth: 76 to 510 m (live 99 m) Maximum Reported Size: 9 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina; Florida: East Florida, West Florida; Mexico: Gulf of Campeche, Yucatan State; Venezuela: Los Testigos; Cuba, Saba, Barbados, Surinam, Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul References: Dall (1881) {W}; Rios et al. (1975) {S}; Knudsen (1982) D{d}; Poutiers & Bernard (1995) c; Knudsen (2005) dN; García (2007b) W; Simone & Cunha (2008: 58) LlSE Comments: 10 fathom depth in Abbott (1974) needs confirmation.