Chiton granulatus Gmelin, 1791, [Basis of the current name] Range: 26°N to 12.9°N; 86.8°W to 61.2°W Depth: 0 m (live 0 m) Maximum Reported Size: 70 mm Distribution: Florida: East Florida; Mexico: Quintana Roo; Cuba: Holguin; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Mustique References: Ekdale (1974) {S}W; Vegas Torres et al. (2004); Hewitt (2005a) SE
Chiton (Acanthopleura) blauneriShuttleworth, 1856, p. 170-171, Not figured [Synonym] Type Locality: Portorico [Puerto Rico] Range: 18°N to 18.5°N; 66°W to 67°W Maximum Reported Size: 52 mm Distribution: Puerto Rico References: Shuttleworth (1856) NSEWM
Chiton convexus Blainville, 1825, [Synonym] References: Kaas et al. (2006) s
Chiton mucronulatus Shuttleworth, 1854, [Synonym] References: Kaas et al. (2006) s
Chiton occidentalis Reeve, 1847, [Synonym] References: Kaas et al. (2006) s
Chiton piceus Gmelin, 1791, [Synonym] References: Kaas et al. (2006) s
Chiton salamander Spengler, 1797, [Synonym] References: Kaas et al. (2006) s
Partial List of References
Shuttleworth, R. J. 1856. Description de nouvelles espèces. Première décade; espèces nouvelles pour la faune des Antilles Journal de Conchyliologie 5 168-175.