Range: 38.3°S to 39°S; 62°W to 57.9°W Maximum Reported Size: 32 mm
Lyonsia patagonicad'Orbigny, 1846, p. 517, [d'Orbigny 1847, pl. 81, figs. 13-14, 14'] [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: île de Las Gamas, baie de San-Blas, au nord de la Patagonie Range: 38.3°S to 39°S; 62°W to 57.9°W Maximum Reported Size: 32 mm Distribution: Argentina: Buenos Aires References: d'Orbigny (1846) M; Castellanos (1970) NSEW; Prezant (1981) c
Partial List of References
d'Orbigny, A. 1846. Mollusques Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale 5 489-728 [and 729-758?]. P. Bertrand: Paris. [True date: -- --- 1846.]