Range: 28.0935°N to 28°N; 91.0374°W to 83°W Depth: 58 to 135 m Maximum Reported Size: 7.6 mm
Inella differens Rolán & Lee in Rolán & Fernández-Garcés, 2008b, p. 128, 130, figs. 20D-H [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Off Egmont Key, Hillsborough County, Florida, 135 m Range: 28.0935°N to 28°N; 91.0374°W to 83°W Depth: 58 to 135 m Maximum Reported Size: 7.6 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: West Florida; USA: Louisiana References: Rolán & Lee in Rolán & Fernández-Garcés (2008b) DdNSEWM
Partial List of References
Rolán, E. and R. Fernández-Garcés. 2008. New data on the Caribbean Triphoridae (Caenogastropoda, Triphoroidea) with the description of 26 new species Iberus 26 81-170. [Stated date: -- Jun 2008.]