Ovulum intermedium Sowerby I, 1828, [Basis of the current name] Range: 32.3°N to 28°S; 97°W to 34.9°W Depth: 0 to 128 m Maximum Reported Size: 44 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida; USA: Texas; Mexico: Veracruz, Gulf of Campeche, Campeche Bank; Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela: Anzoategui, Isla la Tortuga, Isla Margarita, Los Testigos; Bermuda, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Brazil: Para, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Bahia, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina References: Dall (1889a); Dautzenberg (1900); Bayer (1943) D; Princz (1982b); Mello & Perrier (1986) {d}E; Díaz & Puyana (1994); Fehse (1997); Petuch (1998a) d; Hutsell et al. (2001) M Comments: 26.7°N in east Florida (Bayer 1943); 28°N Texas coast (Andrews 1977). The 50 mm size listed by Diaz & Puyana (1994) needs confirmation. Combining Genera: Cyphoma Simnia
Pseudocyphoma christahemmenaeFehse, 1997, p. 35-36, figs. 1-3 [Synonym] Type Locality: off Meaipe, Guarapi [sic, Guarapari], Espirito Santo, Brasil, 15 m Range: 12°N to 20.73°S; 72°W to 38.5°W Depth: 15 m Maximum Reported Size: 39.7 mm Distribution: Colombia, Brazil: Bahia, Espirito Santo References: Fehse (1997) DdS; Fehse (2003b) NEWM; Simone (2004) s
Cyphoma guerriniiFehse, 2001, p. 37-39, fig. 1 [Synonym] Type Locality: Insel Jiboia im Angra dos Reis Gebiet des Rio de Janeiro State, Brasil, 3-4 m Range: 23°S to 23.8°S; 45.3°W to 44.4°W Depth: 4 to 10 m (live 4 to 10 m) Maximum Reported Size: 25.5 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo References: Fehse (2001) DdLlNSEWM; Simone (2004) s
Pseudocyphoma kathiewayaeCate, 1973, p. 70, fig. 45A [Synonym] Type Locality: Off San Sebastian, NE Spain [error for Sao Sebastiao, Sao Paulo, Brazil] Range: 23.8°S to 23.8°S; 45.4°W Maximum Reported Size: 25.5 mm Distribution: Brazil: Sao Paulo References: Cate (1973) M; Rosenberg (herein, 29 July 2003) s
Pseudocyphoma rosenbergiFehse, 2001, p. 39-40, fig. 3 [Synonym] Type Locality: Meaipe, Guarapari, Espirito Santo State, Brasil, 30-40 m Range: 20.73°S to 23°S; 44.4°W to 40.55°W Depth: 4 to 30 m (live 4 to 3 m) Maximum Reported Size: 33.6 mm Distribution: Brazil: Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro References: Fehse (2001) DdLlNSEWM; Simone (2004) s
Partial List of References
Cate, C. N. 1973. A systematic revision of the Recent cypraeid family Ovulidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Veliger 15 (supplement) 116 + [1] pp., [51]. [Stated date: 31 Jan 1973.] Fehse, D. 1997. A third Pseudocyphoma from the Caribbean Sea (Gastropoda: Ovulidae) Schriften zur Malakozoologie 10 35-37. [Stated date: 15 Mar 1997.] Fehse, D. 2001. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ovulidae: VI. Zwei neue Arten im Cyphoma-Pseduocyphoma-Komplex und eine neue Simnialena aus dem süwestlichen Atlantick. (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Schriften zur Malakozoologie 17 36-42. [Stated date: 20 Dec 2001.]