Range: 12°N to 53.18°S; 73.76°W to 34.9°W Depth: 0 to 2 m (live 0 to 0 m) Maximum Reported Size: 13 mm
Lamellaria perspicua f. mopsicolorEv. Marcus, 1958, p. 11-14, pl. 2, figs. 12-15; pl. 3, figs. 16-21 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Guarujá near Santos, at Ilhabela, and near Ubatuba, Sao Paulo; Cabo Frio, 22°57'S, 42°01'W Range: 12°N to 53.18°S; 73.76°W to 34.9°W Depth: 0 to 2 m (live 0 m) Maximum Reported Size: 13 mm Distribution: ABC Islands: Curacao; Brazil: Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo; Straits of Magellan, Chile References: Ev. Marcus (1958) dLl; Er. Marcus (1959) SW; Marcus & Marcus (1963) N{W}; Mello & Perrier (1986) DE; Simone (2004) v Comments: Simone (2004) restricts the distribution of L. mopsicolor to SE Brazil, but does not discuss the status of records from Curacao and the Magellanic region.
Partial List of References
Marcus, E. d. B.-R. 1958. On some Prosobranchia from the coast of Sao Paulo Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico 7 3-29. [Stated date: -- --- 1956; true date: -- --- 1958.]