Distorsio mcgintyi Emerson & Puffer, 1953, [Basis of the current name] Range: 34.98°N to 30.83°S; 91.47°W to 37°W Depth: 25 to 274 m (live 52 to 65 m) Maximum Reported Size: 65 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Florida Keys; Mexico: Campeche State; Panama, Venezuela: Gulf of Venezuela; Bermuda, Cuba: North Matanzas; Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Dominica; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Grenada; Barbados, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil: Amapa, Para, Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul References: Springer & Bullis (1956) W; Clench & Turner (1957) D; Porter (1970) lN; Porter (1974) L; Rios et al. (1975) S; Kronenberg (1994) M Comments: Distorsio constricta constricta Broderip, 1833 is Eastern Pacific.
Distorsio constricta floridanaOlsson & McGinty, 1951, p. 27-28, pl. 1, figs. 5-6, 9 [Objective synonym of valid name] Type Locality: Off Palm Beach, Florida Range: 26.7°N ; 80°W Depth: 55 to 73 m Maximum Reported Size: 30.8 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida References: Olsson & McGinty (1951) DdNSEWM; Clench & Turner (1957) s Comments: Non Gardner, 1947.
Distorsio constricta macgintyiPoirier, 1954, p. 61 [Synonym] Comments: Unjustified emendation for mcgintyi by Poirier (1954: 4, 55, 61, 76, 101). Poirier changed the spelling for several different taxa named for McGinty and so is considered to emended the name under the last clause of ICZN Article 33.2.1. Lewis (1972: 29) explicit emended the name.
Triton simillimus auct. non Sowerby I, 1850, [Not available] References: Robinson (1991) s Comments: Misidentification by Gabb (1881) and Woodring (1928).
Partial List of References
Olsson, A. A. and T. L. McGinty. 1951. A Distorsio new to the Florida fauna Nautilus 65 26-28, pl. 1. [Stated date: -- Jul 1951.] Poirier, H. 1954. An Up-to-date Systematic List of 3200 Seashells from Greenland to Texas 215 pp.