Range: 55°N to 16°S; 94°W to 0°W Depth: 0 to 3338 m (live 0 to 0 m) Maximum Reported Size: 11 mm
Atlanta peronii Lesueur, 1817 Atlanta costae Pirajno, 1840 Atlanta steindachneri Oberwimmer, 1898
Atlanta peroniiLesueur, 1817d, p. 390-391, pl. 2, fig. I.1-2 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: 19°45', 32°42' [west of Paris?] Range: 55°N to 16°S; 94°W to 0°W Depth: 0 to 3338 m (live 0 m) Maximum Reported Size: 11 mm Distribution: USA: Georges Bank, North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Florida Keys; USA: Texas; Mexico: Campeche Bank; Colombia, Venezuela: Falcon; Bermuda, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Brazil: unlocalized; Oceanic; Eastern Atlantic: St. Helena References: Verrill (1882a) Ll; E. A. Smith (1890b) S; Bush (1893) D; Dautzenberg (1900); Maury (1922) W; Rice & Kornicker (1965) {W}; Porter (1974) {D}; Princz & González (1982)
Atlanta costae Pirajno, 1840, [Synonym] References: E. A. Smith (1888) s
Atlanta peroni sic, [Not available] Comments: Error for peronii.
Atlanta steindachneri Oberwimmer, 1898, [Synonym]
Partial List of References
Lesueur, [C. A.] 1817. Mémoire sur deux nouveaux genres de mollusques, Atlante et Atlas Journal de Physique, de Chimie, et d'Histoire Naturelle 85 390-393, pl. 2. [Stated date: -- Nov 1817.]