Range: 27°N to 20.7°S; 82°W to 40.5°W Depth: 0 to 55 m Maximum Reported Size: 24.8 mm
Poirieria pazi auct. non Crosse, 1869 Attiliosa striata auct. non Gabb, 1873 Muricidea philippiana auct. non Dall, 1889 Attiliosa philippianus auct. non Dall, 1889 Coralliophila philippianus auct. non Dall, 1889 Acanthotrophon striatoides E. H. Vokes, 1980 Attiliosa striatoides (E. H. Vokes, 1980)
Acanthotrophon striatoidesE. H. Vokes, 1980, p. 13, figs. 3-9b [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Tulane University Sta. 1240, near Puerto Limón, Costa Rica (fossil) Range: 27°N to 20.7°S; 82°W to 40.5°W Depth: 55 m Maximum Reported Size: 24.8 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: West Florida, Florida Keys; Brazil: Espirito Santo References: E. H. Vokes (1980) NWMD; E. H. Vokes (1994) SE Combining Genera: Attiliosa
Poirieria pazi auct. non Crosse, 1869, [Not available] References: E. H. Vokes (1994) s Comments: Misidentification by Rios (1975, fig. 350).
Muricidea philippiana auct. non Dall, 1889a, [Not available] Range: 24.5°N ; 81.8°W Depth: 0 m Distribution: USA: Florida: Florida Keys References: Dall (1889a) DNSEW; E. H. Vokes (1994) s Comments: Misidentification by Dall (1889a, specimen from Key West). Combining Genera: Attiliosa Coralliophila
Attiliosa striata auct. non Gabb, 1873, [Not available] References: E. H. Vokes (1980) s Comments: Misidentification by E. H. Vokes (1976).
Partial List of References
Vokes, E. H. 1980. Review of the muricid genus Acanthotrophon (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Veliger 23 10-14, 2 pls. [Stated date: 01 Jul 1980.]