Aspella castorRadwin & D'Attilio, 1976, p. 219-220, text-figs. 158-160, pl. 28, fig. 1 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Puerto Rico Range: 28°N to 18°N; 82°W to 67°W Maximum Reported Size: 13.4 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: West Florida; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: Radwin & D'Attilio (1976) SEM; E. H. Vokes (1992) NW
Aspella senex auct. non Dall, 1903, [Not available] Range: 20.53°S to 20.53°S; 38.18°W Depth: 53 m Distribution: Brazil: Espirito Santo References: E. H. Vokes (1992) s Comments: Misidentification by Houart (1991) and Leal (1991b).
Partial List of References
Radwin, G. E. and A. D'Attilio. 1976. Murex Shells of the World xi + 284 pp., 32 pls. Stanford University Press: Stanford.