Range: 35°N to 4°S; 92°W to 38.5°W Depth: 0 to 30 m (live 2 to 6 m) Maximum Reported Size: 30 mm
Aspella scalaroides auct. non Blainville, 1829 Murex pauperculus C. B. Adams, 1850 Aspella pauperculus (C. B. Adams, 1850) Triton cantrainei Récluz, 1853 Murex obeliscus auct. non A. Adams, 1853
Murex pauperculusC. B. Adams, 1850c, p. 60, Not figured [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Jamaica Range: 35°N to 4°S; 92°W to 38.5°W Depth: 0 to 30 m (live 2 to 6 m) Maximum Reported Size: 30 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Florida Keys; Mexico: Campeche State, Cayo Arcas, Campeche, Alacran Reef, Quintana Roo; Honduras; Colombia: Offshore islands; Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: Gulf of Venezuela, Islas Los Roques; Cuba: North Havana Province; Jamaica, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Trinidad & Tobago: Trinidad; Brazil: Ceara References: Warmke & Abbott (1961); Sarasúa (1970); Vokes & Vokes (1983, original station data) W; E. H. Vokes (1992) M; Macsotay & Campos (2001) Combining Genera: Aspella
Murex obeliscus auct. non A. Adams, 1853, [Not available] Range: 26.5°N to 18°N; 80°W to 65°W Maximum Reported Size: 25 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida References: M. Smith (1941) NSEWM; E. H. Vokes (1975) s Comments: Misidentification by Dall (1889a).
Aspella scalaroides auct. non Blainville, 1829, [Not available] References: E. H. Vokes (1975) s Comments: Misidentification by Dall & Simpson (1901).
Partial List of References
Adams, C. B. 1850. Descriptions of supposed new species of marine shells, which inhabit Jamaica Contributions to Conchology 4 56-68. [Stated date: -- Jan 1850.]