Murex nuceus Mörch, 1850, [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: [St. Thomas (Clench & Pérez-Farfante, 1945)] Range: 27.7°N to 23°S; 82.5°W to 32.4°W Depth: 4 to 73 m (live 60 m) Maximum Reported Size: 27.8 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: West Florida; Colombia, Cuba: Cienfuegos; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Guadeloupe, Surinam, Brazil: Amapa, Fernando de Noronha, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro References: Simpson (1887a) NW; Usticke (1959) {M}; Warmke & Abbott (1961); Bullis (1964) D; Houart (1991) L{E}; E. H. Vokes (1994) M; Houart (2005) d; Houart (pers. comm., 2005) SE Comments: Rio's (1975) record from Santa Catarina, Brazil needs confirmation; it may instead be Favartia coltrorum. Contrary to E. H. Vokes (1994:134), nuceus is an adjective not a noun, and changes to nucea in combination with Favartia. Combining Genera: Ocinebra