Range: 18.93°S to 20.68°S; 40.37°W to 37.87°W Depth: 25 to 85 m (live 25 to 85 m) Maximum Reported Size: 12.2 mm
Pazinotus stimpsonii auct. non Dall, 1889 Poirieria bodarti P. M. S. Costa, 1993
Poirieria (Pazinotus) bodartiP. M. S. Costa, 1993, p. 49-51, figs. 1-3 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Between Escalvada Island and Rasa Islands, off Guarapari, State of Espirito Santo, Brazil, 20°41'S, 40°22'W, 25 m Range: 20.68°S to 20.68°S; 40.37°W Depth: 25 m (live 25 m) Maximum Reported Size: 12.2 mm Distribution: Brazil: Espirito Santo References: P. M. S. Costa (1993) DdNSEWM
Pazinotus stimpsonii auct. non Dall, 1889, [Not available; synonymy uncertain] Range: 18.93°S to 20.53°S; 38.18°W to 37.87°W Depth: 52 to 85 m (live 105 to 85 m) Distribution: Brazil: Vitoria-Trindade Seamounts References: Leal (1991) dLSE
Partial List of References
Costa, P. M. S. 1993. From the shallow waters of S. E. Brazil: Poirieria (Pazinotus) bodarti n. sp. (Gastropoda: Muricidae) La Conchiglia 269 49-51.