Typhis riosi Bertsch & D'Attilio, 1980, [Basis of the current name] Range: 19.57°S to 33°S; 52°W to 38.92°W Depth: 100 to 610 m (live 440 m) Maximum Reported Size: 12 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul References: Houart (1991) cDdL; Houart (1994) Combining Genera: Typhina
Typhis longicornis auct. non Dall, 1888, [Not available] Range: 26°N to 31.1°S; 78°W to 41.35°W Depth: 75 to 722 m Distribution: Bahamas, Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul References: Bayer (1971) DNW; Penna-Neme & Leme (1978) dSE; E. H. Vokes (1984) s Comments: Misidentification by Bayer (1971); Penna-Neme & Leme (1978).