Typhis belcheri Broderip in Broderip & Sowerby, 1833a, p. 178 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Ad Africam Occidentalem (Cape Blanco) Range: 22.93°S to 23.12°S; 42.07°W to 18°W Depth: 40 to 100 m Maximum Reported Size: 19 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro; Eastern Atlantic: Cape Verde Islands References: Broderip (1833a) M; E. A. Smith (1915) N; Houart (1991) DSEW Comments: Recorded 'west of Falkland Islands' by E. A. Smith (1915); probably relecting confusion of material from Terra Nova stations H.V. 1 and H.V. 2 (off Rio de Janeiro). Smith (p. 93) suspected such an error with a specimen of Anadara chemnitzii.
Murex cleryi Petit, 1840, [Synonym] Range: 23.5°S to 29°S; 49°W to 43°W Depth: 40 to 88 m Maximum Reported Size: 20 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul References: E. A. Smith (1915) s; Houart (1991) s
Partial List of References
Broderip, W. J. and G. B. Sowerby. 1833. [The collection of Shells formed by Mr. Cuming on the western coast of South America, and among the islands of the Southern Pacific Ocean] Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London 2 173-179. [True date: 14 Jan 1833.]