Nassa consensaRavenel, 1861, p. 43 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: off Charleston bar, South Carolina, 14 fathoms, in fish stomach Range: 35°N to 9.4°N; 89°W to 64.9°W Depth: 6 to 80 m (live 7 to 11 m) Maximum Reported Size: 14.6 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: Louisiana; Mexico: Quintana Roo; Colombia: Old Providence Island; Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia; Virgin Islands: St. Croix References: Parker (1956) W; Olsson & McGinty (1958) S; Usticke (1959) E; Lyons et al. (1971) d; Lyons (1989b) lNM Combining Genera: Alectrion
Nassarius (Uzita) fargoiOlsson & Harbison, 1953, p. 223, pl. 33, fig. 3 [Synonym] Type Locality: Pliocene of North St. Petersburg, Florida Maximum Reported Size: 12.5 mm References: Olsson & Harbison (1953) M; Cernohorsky (1984) s
Alectrion consensa harveyensisMansfield, 1930, p. 78-79, pl. 11, fig. 1, 3 [Synonym] Type Locality: Station 3421, Harveys Creek, about half a mile above abandoned mill, Leon County, Florida Maximum Reported Size: 7.7 mm References: Mansfield (1930) M; Cernohorsky (1984) s Comments: Described as a fossil.
Alectrion consensa leonensisMansfield, 1930, p. 79, pl. 10, fig. 2 [Synonym] Type Locality: Station 3421, Harveys Creek, about half a mile above abandoned mill, Leon County, Florida Maximum Reported Size: 6.5 mm References: Mansfield (1930) M; Cernohorsky (1984) s Comments: Described as a fossil.
Partial List of References
Mansfield, W. C. 1930. Miocene gastropods and scaphopods of the Choctawhatchee Formation of Florida Florida State Geological Survey Bulletin 3 189 pp., 21 pls. Olsson, A. A. and A. Harbison. 1953. Pliocene Mollusca of Southern Florida, with special reference to those from North Saint Petersburg Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 8 vii + 459, 65 pls. [Stated date: 06 Nov 1953.] Ravenel, E. 1861. Descriptions of new Recent shells from the coast of South Carolina Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 13 41-44. [Stated date: -- Feb 1861; true date: pre Mar 31.]