Range: 21.3°S to 23°S; 42°W to 41°W Maximum Reported Size: 48 mm
Oliva steeriaeReeve, 1850b, pl. 17, fig. 37 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Mouth of the Gambia, West Africa Range: 21.3°S to 23°S; 42°W to 41°W Maximum Reported Size: 48 mm Distribution: Brazil: Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro References: Rios (1975) M; Oliveira & Rezende (1994) NE; Terver (1996a) s (of ^vesica^); Sterba (2003) vSW; Sterba (2004)
Partial List of References
Reeve, L. 1850. Monograph of the genus Oliva Conchologia Iconica 6 pls. 1-30