Range: 30.98°N to 11.62°N; 82.43°W to 60.62°W Depth: 247 to 1620 m Maximum Reported Size: 10 mm
Margarita lata Dall, 1889 Solariella calatha Dall, 1927
Solariella calathaDall, 1927b, p. 128-129 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Albatross sta. 2415, off Georgia, 30°44'N, 79°26'W, 440 fathoms; sta. 2668, off Fernandina, Florida [actually off Georgia], 30°58'N, 79°38'W, 294 fathoms Range: 30.98°N to 11.62°N; 82.43°W to 60.62°W Depth: 247 to 1620 m Maximum Reported Size: 10 mm Distribution: USA: Georgia, Florida: East Florida; Jamaica References: Dall (1927b) N; Quinn (1979) dSWEM; UWI (Zoology) D
Margarita (Solariella) aegleis var. lataDall, 1889a, p. 380 [Synonym] Type Locality: Blake sta. 208, off Martinique, 213 fms.; off Havana, Cuba, 400 fms.; Blake sta. 2, 805 fms.; Tertiary of Belgium and of Reggio, Italy Range: 23.23°N to 14.42°N; 82.42°W to 60.91°W Depth: 390 to 1472 m Distribution: Cuba: North Havana Province; Martinique References: Quinn (1979) s Comments: Nude name? ('broad variety of S. aegleis').
Partial List of References
Dall, W. H. 1889. Reports on the results of dredgings, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-80), by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer 'Blake,' Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 18 1-492, pls. 10-40. [Stated date: 08 Jun 1889.] Dall, W. H. 1927. Small shells from dredgings off the southeast coast of the United States by the United States Fisheries Steamer 'Albatross' in 1885 and 1886 Proceedings of the United States National Museum 70(2667) 1-134.