Range: 26.5°N to 21.62°S; 90.5°W to 32.22°W Depth: 15 to 94 m Maximum Reported Size: 15 mm
Daphnella (Paradaphne) margaretaeLyons, 1972b, p. 6-7, fig. 8 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: South of Dry Tortugas, 24°24'N; 82°58'W Range: 26.5°N to 21.62°S; 90.5°W to 32.22°W Depth: 15 to 94 m Maximum Reported Size: 15 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, Florida Keys; USA: South of Dry Tortugas, Florida; Mexico: Campeche Bank; Colombia, Brazil: Espirito Santo References: Lyons (1972b) N{W}; Leal (1991b) DSE; Díaz & Puyana (1994) d; García (2007b) WM
Partial List of References
Lyons, W. G. 1972. New Turridae (Gastropoda: Toxoglossa) from South Florida and the eastern Gulf of Mexico Nautilus 86 3-7. [Stated date: -- Jul 1972.]