Range: 35°N to 20.5°S; 83°W to 29.3°W Depth: 60 to 200 m (live 60 to 146 m) Maximum Reported Size: 2.9 mm
Lamellitrochus carinatusQuinn, 1991a, p. 84-85, figs. 7-12, 34, 35 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: SW of Egmont Key, Florida Range: 35°N to 20.5°S; 83°W to 29.3°W Depth: 60 to 200 m (live 60 to 146 m) Maximum Reported Size: 2.9 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; Cuba, Puerto Rico, Antigua, Barbados, Brazil: Trindade Island References: Quinn (1991a) DdLNSEWM; Leal (1991) l (as ^Solariella^ sp. 1) Comments: Quinn (1991a) gave 2 different depths for Eolis sta. 360, 146 m in list of paratypes, and 183 m in caption to figs. 34-35.
Partial List of References
Quinn, J. F., Jr. 1991.Lamellitrochus, a new genus of Solariellinae (Gastropoda: Trochidae), with descriptions of six new species from the Western Atlantic Ocean Nautilus 105 81-91.