Pleurotoma vespucianad'Orbigny, 1847b, p. 175-176, pl. 24, figs. 13-15 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Martinique, Guadeloupe and Cuba Range: 28°N to 4°N; 94°W to 51°W Depth: 0 to 103 m Maximum Reported Size: 6 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: Texas; Mexico: Campeche State, Yucatan State, Alacran Reef, Quintana Roo; Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela: unlocalized; Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Brazil: Amapa References: Rios (1985) DSE; Odé (1992a) {D}; Princz (1982a); Díaz & Puyana (1994) M; Espinosa & Ortea (2001a) {S}
Clathurella amicta Guppy, 1896, [Synonymy uncertain] References: Jong & Coomans (1988) s
Pleurotoma anguliferaReeve, 1846a, pl. 39, fig. 360 [Synonymy uncertain] Type Locality: West Indies Combining Genera: Clathurella
Mangilia (Mangilia) melanitica Dall in Dall & Simpson, 1901, p. 390, pl. 58, fig. 10 [Synonym] Attributed to: Bush (1885), Dall (1889) Type Locality: Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Range: 35°N to 7°N; 82°W to 56.7°W Depth: 13 to 86 m Maximum Reported Size: 5 mm Distribution: USA: Georgia, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; Puerto Rico, Surinam References: Princz (1977) SE Comments: Nude name in Bush (1885a, b) and Dall (1889b); Bush named N. oxia as a variety of melanitica before the latter had been described by Dall. She noted that Dall's MS material was from Florida. Dall (1889b) illustrated Bush's var. oxia, but not the nominate variety. The locality of the type of melanitica, USNM 83046, needs to be checked.
Mangilia oxytataBush, 1885b, p. 582, [Bush 1885a, pl. 45, fig. 1] [Synonym] Type Locality: USFC sta. 2108, 48 fm. Range: 35.27°N to 9.4°N; 79.8°W to 75.04°W Depth: 26 to 88 m Maximum Reported Size: 5 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina; Panama References: Bush (1885b) DNEM; Radwin (1969) SW; Porter (1974) d
Partial List of References
Bush, K. J. 1885. List of the shallow-water Mollusca dredged off Cape Hatteras by the "Albatross" in 1883 Annual Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries 1883 579-595. d'Orbigny, A. 1847. Mollusques Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2 129-224, pls. 22-25?. [Stated date: -- --- 1853; true date: pre May?] Dall, W. H. and C. T. Simpson. 1901. The Mollusca of Porto Rico U. S. Fisheries Commission Bulletin 20 351-524, pls. 53-58. Reeve, L. 1846. Monograph of the genus Pleurotoma Conchologia Iconica 1 pls. 34-40