Cylichna caelataBush, 1885a, p. 468, pl. 45, fig. 15 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Off Cape Hatteras, 15-43 fathoms [USFC sta. 2292 (Johnson 1989)] Range: 35°N to 39°S; 96.3°W to 45°W Depth: 5 to 155 m (live 15 to 101 m) Maximum Reported Size: 4.2 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: Louisiana, Texas; Mexico: Campeche Bank; Venezuela: Isla la Blanquilla, Isla Margarita; Puerto Rico, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil: Sao Paulo; Uruguay, Argentina: Buenos Aires References: Dall & Simpson (1901); Parker & Curray (1956) W; Rice & Kornicker (1965) {D}; Castellanos (1970a) S; Porter (1974); Princz (1977) d; Odé (1990b) D{d}Ll; Valdés et al. (2006) c Combining Genera: Pyrunculus Utriculus
Retusa iheringi Ihering, 1915, [Synonymy uncertain] Attributed to: Dall References: Marcus (1977b) v; Valdés et al. (2006) s
Partial List of References
Bush, K. J. 1885. Additions to the shallow-water Mollusca of Cape Hatteras, N.C., dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer 'Albatross,' in 1883 and 1884 Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 6 453-480, pl. 45.